ChiX Pickstone

  • Mineral feed for chickens and ornamental fowl
  • Promotes natural pecking behaviour
  • Ensures natural wear on the beak
    • less sharp
    • can’t continue to grow
  • Rich in calcium for strong egg shells and good skeletal growth
  • Enriched with trapping mix = a real treat for your animals
  • 1 block is sufficient for 3 to 5 chickens
  • Always place it in a dry place
  • Instructions for use: Place the pecking block in a dry place in the chicken coop or run. One block is sufficient for 3-5 chickens.
  • Available in 1kg.
Calcareous marine shells - chalk - white millet - oatmeal - red millet - rapeseed - linseed - canary grass seeds - hulled oats - hemp seed - salt - dicalcium phosphate
Calcium 26,30% - sodium 2,1 % - phosphor 0,54 % - lysine 0,03% - methionine 0,02% - Insoluble in HCI 36%
GroupDepre petfood
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