ChiX Grit Mix

  • Mineral feed for chickens and ornamental fowl.
  • High-quality grit mixture for chickens, pheasants and other ornamental fowl.
  • Composed of seashells, oyster grit, stomach gravel and red stone.
  • Coarse structure ensures optimum absorption.
  • Supports the action of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps digestion of grains/seeds = absorption of all necessary nutrients
  • Good source of calcium:
    • good skeleton formation
    • strong and even egg shells
  • Instruction for use:make freely available every day.
  • Available in 3kg.
Seashells - oyster shells - insoluble (stomach) grit - redstone - aniseed scent
Calcium 22 % - sodium 0,2 % - phosphorus 0,07 % - Insoluble in HCL 39 %
GroupDepre petfood
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