Parrots basic

  • Deli Nature Basic is a basic seed mixture tailored to the nutritional needs of your parrot.
  • Deli Nature seed mixtures are composed of carefully-selected raw materials.
  • Complete feed for ornamental birds.
  • Available in 3kg.


  • Provide a fresh portion of Deli Nature seeds and drinking water every day.
  • Provide Deli Nature Egg Food or Deli Nature Snacks 2 to 3 times a week as a snack.
Peeled oats, hempseed, Katjang Idjoe, sorgho red, safflower, buckwheat, clipped oats, barley, paddy rice, white sunflower seed, striped sunflower seed, wheat, peeled peanuts, plate maize, cribbs maize, cedar nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seed
GroupDepre petfood
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